Gamma Psi Making a Difference

Gamma Psi Sisters not only make a difference while on campus, but also once classes end. Darby Stanford spent two weeks in Costa Rica and Nicaragua on a medical mission trip. She helped educate people on nutrition, health and safety. She also helped set up clinics that families would travel to for medical help. Sheldon Clark spent part of her summer in Cartago, Costa Rica providing staff relief at a home for the elderly who have been abandoned or are homeless. Kristen Thigpen spent her fifth summer in a row in Haiti. Her group hosted a Vacation Bible School and provided lunch for 1200 children in Cite Soleil, Port au Prince - hosting Bible class, crafts, music and a clinic for the children. We’re also proud of our alumnus, Missy Conrad, who graduated from basic training at Fort Jackson in South Carolina and is now stationed at Fort Benning in Columbus, GA for Officer Candidate School. Gamma Psi is proud of all current members and alumni serving here and abroad.