Entries by Gamma Psi (74)


YHC Young Alumni Event


Come join some of the founding members at this event at Fernbank Museum of Natural History, October 22, 2010, 7:00pm - 9:30pm

Join the Young Harris College Young Alumni Council as they present Martinis and IMAX on Friday, Oct. 22 at 7 p.m. Hors d’oeuvres will be served at 7 p.m. followed by an IMAX movie, Mystery of the Nile, at 9 p.m. The price is $20 and includes hors d’oeuvres, one drink ticket and a movie ticket. An RSVP is required for the event.

Please RSVP to ddensley@yhc.edu or call (706) 379-5336. Payment may be made at the door or checks may be mailed in advance to:

Young Harris College
P.O. Box 275
Young Harris, GA 30582


Fall Interest Party

Gamma Psi Interest Party for Fall 2010 is Tuesday, September 14, 7:30-8:30 PM. Location is Goolsby 203. Come see what Gamma Psi is all about!

At the interest party, we'll give you a chance to get to know all the members, ask questions, and decide if we're the right sorority for you! Sophomores that are interested in pledging, remember that attendance at the Interest Party is required if you would like to receive a bid. Freshmen, since you can't pledge until Spring Semester, this is a chance for us to meet you and a chance for you to get to know us better!

We hope to see you there! 



Gamma Psi Sorority

September 7, 2010: The Inter-Greek Council voted to change Gamma Psi’s status from a society to a sorority. Gamma Psi Sorority is looking forward to participating in Greek Week and celebrating Greek unity.


Alumni Weekend 2010

July 24, 2010 Alumni Weekend. Sisters from the founders to the current members celebrated the 15 year anniversary of Gamma Psi. Congratulations to Victoria Neisler for being crowned Miss Georgia Mountain Fair Queen 2010.

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