Entries by Gamma Psi (74)


Save the Date and Winter Update

Spring Recruitment is right around the corner starting with a bonfire on February 7th and bids going on out Feburary 11th. Interested women should save the date and come see what Gamma Psi is all about. 

To help students get back in the swing of things amidst the snow and cold that greeted students back this semester, Gamma Psi hosted "Donuts for Days," handing out donuts to students between classes. 

On February 1st, Gamma Psi will be leaders of a "Take Back the Night" event held on campus to raise awareness about sexual abuse. 

Finally, it's never too early to plan for Alumni Weekend. Save the date for April 21-23rd, when alumni will visit campus to make new memories. 




Happy Founders Day Gamma Psi!

Gamma Psi celebrating 22 years of sisterhood on January 23rd.


YHC Homecoming 2016 was a Royal Affair for Gamma Psi

On November 18th-19th, following the theme "Our Pride Cannot be Tamed," Young Harris College students, alumni and Mountain Lions fans celebrated the home opener of the 2016-2017 basketball season. Gamma Psi members Katie Jane Philips and Parker Sewell were on the Homecoming Court with Sheldon Clark and Frank Easterlin getting crowned Queen and King.


Alumni Spotlight: Lauren Henneberg is Making a Scene


Lauren Henneberg has been making a scene since graduating from Young Harris College in 2003 in Fine Arts. Henneberg, a Gamma Psi member and 02-03 Historian, has been ambling about as a zombie on The Walking Dead and playing the odds in The Hunger Games as a rebel. As a stunt actress, she has appeared as a Zombie Walker in The Walking Dead in 12 episodes in Seasons 1-4, a Mystic Falls Cheerleader in The Vampire Diaries in Seasons 1-4, a District 13 Citizen in The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1, a District 7 Lumberjack Rebel in The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2, and more. She's been extra busy since acting in the Rollins Planetarium Haunted House with the SKY Club Astronomy Club. 


Q&A with Gamma Psi Alumnus, Lauren Henneberg

What have you been up to since graduating YHC? I've done some acting work in Atlanta and Wilmington over the years. I've also been working on my own survival skills show for YouTube called Selene Survival Goddess. Selene was my nickname in the Astronomy Club. I'm also interested in humanitarian volunteering. 

What is your favorite on set memory? My favorite set memory would probably have to be the Season 2 finale of The Walking Dead.  We had four night shoots just for this 15-minute scene. It was when Walkers were finally overtaking Hershel's farm. It was very cold, less than 30 degrees with windchill. Between camera takes we were given these funny robes called Snuggies (complete with rubber ducks, cats, etc decorated on them) to keep warm. We would cuddle-huddle together out in the fields between takes to try and warm up. Several Walkers also had some fun at a spaghetti dinner one night (all in the Snuggie robes) reinacting "The Last Supper" painting as zombies. You have to have a good sense of humor in the Apocalypse!

What do you love about the film arts? I think that so many people are anxious with politics, sad current events, financial struggle, etc. The film arts truly are extraordinary in taking viewers into alternate realities, other worlds, other times. You can love characters like family, and love to hate others. Special effects, technology, and sound have developed so creatively in less than 100 years. You can call it escapism or an elaborate game of make-believe, but I think it's what many people need to survive. Dream big. 

How has your experience in Gamma Psi support what you do now? I was very shy when I first arrived at YHC. I hardly knew anyone. I wanted a new start and to be a part of something special. I tried out for the Greek organizations in the fall, and was disappointed to not be invited to any of them. I didn't know that Gamma Psi, a society then, also had an open house in the fall. In the Spring, I was invited to the Gamma Psi open house, and was surprised and touched to learn that they wanted me months ago. I was so happy to pledge and meet my new sisters. Gamma Psi helped me to break out of my shell. You are given a talent that no one else has. Gamma Psi helped to give me the confidence to start utilizing my artistic talents in new ways. Much like the transformation of a butterfly, Gamma Psi gave me wings, wonderful friendships, and a new beginning. Not succeeding immediately is okay. It's doing nothing that is the worst enemy. I'm grateful to Gamma Psi for taking a chance on a shy awkward nerd and I hope that my experience will inspire other girls to open up too and pursue their dreams.

What are you up to next? I'm still doing some character acting in Atlanta. Visit my IMDB page below for more info. Due to confidentiality agreements, some things can't be shared for a few months. I'm also working on one of my own projects for YouTube, called Selene Survival Goddess, teaching wilderness survival skills. I've always been interested in survival, hunting, fishing, building shelters, edible plants, archery, etc. I would like to teach what I've learned and also invite special guests that have different skill sets than me. Watching a lot of survivalists can feel like watching grass grow, so I will be incorporating acting & cosplay into the videos to make the subject more fun. Stay tuned for that very soon, and please subscribe with the link below! Thank you for your time and lots of love to all of our butterflies! }i{



Fall News Update 

As Gamma Psi hits mid-fall Semester, here is the latest news on the members:

-Gamma Psi had one of the biggest groups present at Mountain Lion Madness Thursday night! The basketball season starts on November 11th!

Jada Williams, Hannah Johnson, and Allie Weldon were inducted into Alpha Chi, a national honors society, last week for their outstanding academic performance.

-Last Monday, Dorcas gained another great girl, Anna Dyer.

-Paxton Spessard was inducted into Spat last Monday.

-Frank L. O. Easterlin traveled with other students and professors to present a paper at a conference held by the Popular Culture Association in the South in Nashville!

-Katie Phillips has wrapped up her fall golf season. She helped the team complete the best YHC Women's Golf Team has ever done.

-The Young Harris College Choir gave their fall Americana concert this past Saturday, and will be performing in Toccoa, Georgia this Sunday night. Several sisters are in the choir.

-See the latest videos of sisters Kenna Bauman, Hannah Carter, Morgan Mims, Jordan Brooke Bishop and Lauren James on the Young Harris Chamber Choir Concert Facebook page

-Claire Warren and Savannah Lee Hardin have finished out their regular cross country season for the year. Regionals are in two weeks at the University of Montevallo.

-My Fair Lady, the musical, begins November 9th! Emily Georgina Roberts, Hannah Johnson, Cara Rose Sullivan, Lauren James will all be in the show.