Entries by Gamma Psi (74)


Save The Date for Alumni Weekend- April 20, 2013

Be sure to attend Alumni Weekend at YHC on Saturday, April 20, 2013. You can make new memories with old friends at the luncheon and attend the first All Class Party on campus with a live band and cash bar. Stay tuned for information on a Gamma Psi Alumni gathering!



Alumni Weekend 2011

Current members and alumni are encouraged to attend YHC Alumni Weekend 2011 from Friday, July 29- Sunday July 31. On Saturday from 12:15 - 2, Lunch on the Lawn is at the YHC Plaza and is followed up by the Young Alumni Hot Spot on the Lawn. 


Happy 16th Birthday Gamma Psi!

Gamma Psi signed its charter 1/23/95. Here's to many more years of success.


Gamma Psi Alumni Night for YHC Basketball

Join current Gamma Psi members, alumni and friends on January 15, 2011, to cheer on the Young Harris Mountain Lions against the North Greenville Crusaders. For tickets, contact Athletic Department Administrative Assistant Erin Huffman at (706) 379-5296 or elhuffman@yhc.edu. Request tickets in the “GAMMA PSI” block of seats (while available). Check back here for tailgating information.




ΓΨ Annual Santa Social: Tacky Christmas Sweater Dance

Come celebrate the end of classes.
Wear your tacky Christmas sweaters! 
$3 without a sweater,
$2 with your tacky Christmas sweater!

Location: YHC Student Center
Time: Wednesday, December 1, 2010- 9:00pm - 11:00pm

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