Gamma Psi Welcomes 15 New Members

On Saturday 9/26, Gamma Psi had 15 new members accept bids. The bid day theme was Rock 'n' Roll and all members were amped to grow the sisterhood.
On Saturday 9/26, Gamma Psi had 15 new members accept bids. The bid day theme was Rock 'n' Roll and all members were amped to grow the sisterhood.
YHC Rush Week has started and Gamma Psi is excited about meeting potential new members. Hear why these ladies rushed and joined Gamma Psi.
Jada Williams: “Rushing was never a thought for me through high school or even in the first few weeks at YHC. I never saw myself as a sorority girl or anything, I've pretty much always just been a student athlete… When I got on campus, I spent a lot of time with my teammates - three of whom were in Gamma Psi. I really looked up to these three. They kinda took me under their wings. They shared a bond that was much different than the typical teammate bond, they shared something deeper… Rushing was one of the best things I've done at YHC. I found my home in Gamma Psi. I know I've got sisters that will have my back whenever I need them… I couldn't be more thankful for the sisters I've gained, the lessons I've learned, the opportunities I've gotten, and the person I've become since rushing.”
Hannah Johnson: "When I came to Young Harris … my first semester ended up being tough, socially and emotionally… I got to know some of my fellow theatre majors who were in Gamma Psi. They invested in me and showed me what being in such a close knit sisterhood was all about and as a result my interest and love for the sorority grew… From the moment I started rushing Gamma Psi I knew I had made the right decision and that I was meant to be in this sisterhood. It was one of the best things I've ever done because to be a freshman and know that you have 40 awesome girls (and gents) that have your back is something so special. These girls, these sisters of mine are something else. They support. They comfort. They joke. They respect. They protect. They laugh. They love. I am truly blessed. I honestly don't know what I would do without them.”
Darby Stanford: "I came to Young Harris College to play softball... Sophomore year I decided to branch out and rush, just to see if I could meet new people. Being a part of a team has been great, but I was looking to see what else Young Harris had to offer. Little did I know I was making one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. Through Gamma Psi, I have met some of my best friends - Friends I will have forever. I have made some of my favorite memories at YHC and I wouldn't trade them for the world. My favorite part about ΓΨ is that everyone is so different.”
Gamma Psi Sisters not only make a difference while on campus, but also once classes end. Darby Stanford spent two weeks in Costa Rica and Nicaragua on a medical mission trip. She helped educate people on nutrition, health and safety. She also helped set up clinics that families would travel to for medical help. Sheldon Clark spent part of her summer in Cartago, Costa Rica providing staff relief at a home for the elderly who have been abandoned or are homeless. Kristen Thigpen spent her fifth summer in a row in Haiti. Her group hosted a Vacation Bible School and provided lunch for 1200 children in Cite Soleil, Port au Prince - hosting Bible class, crafts, music and a clinic for the children. We’re also proud of our alumnus, Missy Conrad, who graduated from basic training at Fort Jackson in South Carolina and is now stationed at Fort Benning in Columbus, GA for Officer Candidate School. Gamma Psi is proud of all current members and alumni serving here and abroad.
Gamma Psi is looking forward to meeting some amazing women to join the sisterhood.
Here is the calendar of events:
Monday, September 21, Wilson Lecture Hall, 7:00 PM
Introduction – Mandatory Informational Meeting
Get schedule, learn process, discuss rules.
Dress code is casual.
Wednesday, September 23, Goolsby 7:00 PM
Sisterhood and Values Night
Learn about each sorority and what they value.
Dress code is Jerseys (current members); Casual (potential sisters)
Thursday, September 24, Goolsby 7:00 PM
Philanthropy and Service Night
Learn about Gamma Psi philanthropy and service to the community.
Friday, September 25, Goolsby, 7:00 PM
Preference Day
Potential new members chose their top two organizations to visit and interview with this night. Dress code is Sunday Best
Saturday, September 26th
Gamma Psi can't wait to grow the sisterhood!