Entries from October 1, 2016 - October 31, 2016


Fall News Update 

As Gamma Psi hits mid-fall Semester, here is the latest news on the members:

-Gamma Psi had one of the biggest groups present at Mountain Lion Madness Thursday night! The basketball season starts on November 11th!

Jada Williams, Hannah Johnson, and Allie Weldon were inducted into Alpha Chi, a national honors society, last week for their outstanding academic performance.

-Last Monday, Dorcas gained another great girl, Anna Dyer.

-Paxton Spessard was inducted into Spat last Monday.

-Frank L. O. Easterlin traveled with other students and professors to present a paper at a conference held by the Popular Culture Association in the South in Nashville!

-Katie Phillips has wrapped up her fall golf season. She helped the team complete the best YHC Women's Golf Team has ever done.

-The Young Harris College Choir gave their fall Americana concert this past Saturday, and will be performing in Toccoa, Georgia this Sunday night. Several sisters are in the choir.

-See the latest videos of sisters Kenna Bauman, Hannah Carter, Morgan Mims, Jordan Brooke Bishop and Lauren James on the Young Harris Chamber Choir Concert Facebook page

-Claire Warren and Savannah Lee Hardin have finished out their regular cross country season for the year. Regionals are in two weeks at the University of Montevallo.

-My Fair Lady, the musical, begins November 9th! Emily Georgina Roberts, Hannah Johnson, Cara Rose Sullivan, Lauren James will all be in the show.



Gamma Psi Fall 2016 News

With fall settling in, YHC is finally getting cool air and seeing the leaves change colors! The past couple of weeks have been filled with midterms and excitement for fall break coming at the end of this week. Here is some of the latest Gamma Psi news:

-Appreciation Day was a couple weeks ago and Gamma Psi honored close friends and potential new members and let them wear jerseys for a day.

-Bid Day was a huge success and 15 new members are learning about Gamma Psi. 

-This past weekend was the Sunset Semi-Formal where members could bring dates for the festivities.

-Sister Mikala Jones just got the approval to start a new club on campus. She will be serving as president of the College Guild Volunteer, which will work with the College Guild Program in Maine. The program focuses on writing and prison pedagogy. 

-Homecoming will be November 18th-19th, 2016. Save the date so you can join alumni and current members cheer on the Mountain Lions and reconnect!