Entries from May 1, 2016 - May 31, 2016


Gamma Psi Congratulates its Newest Graduates.

Congratulations to Gamma Psi members Leah Cheshier, Luis Fajardo, Stephanie Mills, Kayla Rodriguez, Darby Stanford and Ciara Wood who graduated from Young Harris College on May 7, 2016 with 181 other graduates. Baseball legend Henry “Hank” Aaron delivered Young Harris College's 2016 Commencement address. 


Gamma Psi Braves Night

Alumni, current members, family and friends are invited to go to Gamma Psi Braves Night on May 28th at 4:10 PM against the Miami Marlins at Turner Field. All tickets are General Admission and $18.00 each. Tickets will be available for pick up prior to the game at Turner Field. Tickets must be reserved by May 20th. To buy tickets and see more details, click here.