
Gamma Psi Fall 2016 News

With fall settling in, YHC is finally getting cool air and seeing the leaves change colors! The past couple of weeks have been filled with midterms and excitement for fall break coming at the end of this week. Here is some of the latest Gamma Psi news:

-Appreciation Day was a couple weeks ago and Gamma Psi honored close friends and potential new members and let them wear jerseys for a day.

-Bid Day was a huge success and 15 new members are learning about Gamma Psi. 

-This past weekend was the Sunset Semi-Formal where members could bring dates for the festivities.

-Sister Mikala Jones just got the approval to start a new club on campus. She will be serving as president of the College Guild Volunteer, which will work with the College Guild Program in Maine. The program focuses on writing and prison pedagogy. 

-Homecoming will be November 18th-19th, 2016. Save the date so you can join alumni and current members cheer on the Mountain Lions and reconnect!


Gamma Psi Welcomes 18 New Members

This past Saturday, 18 women accepted bids to become the newest members of Gamma Psi. Congrats to the new "baby cats"



Life of Gamma Psi

The Gamma Psi sisterhood maintains positive morale, respects individual beliefs, commands self-respect, has integrity, has leaders, promotes community service, excels at academics, and has high personal standards. We also have so much fun together! Watch our latest video to catch a glimpse of life as a Gamma Psi member. 



Get to Know Gamma Psi During Fall 2016 Rush Week

Rush Week starts this week and Gamma Psi's theme is Welcome to the Big Leagues! Gamma Psi is looking forward to meeting some amazing women.

Here is the calendar of events:


Monday, September 19, RCC, 7:00 PM

Introduction – Mandatory Informational Meeting

Get the schedule, learn the process and rules. Potential new members can meet Gamma Psi members.

Dress code is casual. 


Tuesday, September 20, RCC 7:00 PM

Sisterhood and Values Night

Learn about each sorority and what they value.

Dress code is Jerseys (current members); Casual/Dressy (potential sisters) 


Wednesday, September 21, RCC 7:00 PM

Philanthropy and Service Night

Learn about Gamma Psi’s philanthropy and community service efforts. Potential new members will choose their top three organizations to visit.


Thursday, September 22, RCC 7:00 PM

Preference Night

Active members will chose Potential New Members to visit and interview with this night. Potential New Members may attend up to two preference parties.

Dress code is Sunday best.


Saturday, September 24, The Lawn


Gamma Psi can't wait to grow the sisterhood!


Gamma Psi Begins an Active 2016 School Year 

Service is one of Gamma Psi's main focuses and this year is no different. Gamma Psi will contribute time and resources fundraising for Thumbs Up Mission. It is a great foundation with some personal connections within the sorority. We look forward to contributing to such a great organization.

Thumbs Up's mission is to come alongside families in an effort to make memories that transcend time with retreats. They seek to encourage and strengthen families with school aged children where a parent has been diagnosed with a life threatening cancer. Their focus is to battle fear by infusing hope, inspiring laughter and instilling an eternal perspective in each family they serve. Their goal is to come alongside families in medical crisis to help them make memories that transcend time.

Academics, furthering personal growth and goals has always been the primary focus for Gamma Psi.

We had three sisters accepted into the Teacher Preparation Program; Kristen Thigpen, Hannah Carter, and Andria Deering. Additionally, Jack Orr has become a certified Wilderness First Responder.
Gamma Psi members are also excelling in the Young Harris Theater. Clara Levi is performing as a fairy in the children's play this weekend, The Woodsman and the Fairy. Morgan Mims is the stage manager and Hannah Johnson is the costume manager. 

Rewarding Social experiences and fellowship is also fundamental to Gamma Psi . Recently, Gamma Psi had a successful dance with Kappa Sigma, called “Bahama Mama” 





Gamma Psi also had Popcorn on the Plaza and is gearing up for the Sunset Semiformal on October 1st.

Gamma Psi is eager to continue its impact to the community and its members as a truly academic, social, service sorority. 

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